연구실 | 과학관 345B호 |
이메일 | gtpark@yonsei.ac.kr |
전화번호 | 02-2123-2622 |
홈페이지 | http://ipap.yonsei.ac.kr/~partph/ |
날짜 | 내용 |
1991 | Ph.D. in Physics, Purdue University |
1985 | B.S. in Physics, Yonsei University |
날짜 | 내용 |
1995 | Professor, Department of Physics, Yonsei University |
1994 | Postdoctoral Researcher, Centor for Theoretical Physics, Seoul National University |
1992 | Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
1992 | Postdoctoral Researcher, Texas A&M University |